Pittsburgh’s Chapter of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (M.O.V.P.E.R)
“Just what is a Grotto?” you may ask yourself. Well, here are the basics…
The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, whose subordinate bodies are called “Grottoes,” is an organization for Master Masons. While not connected with Masonry proper, its membership is restricted absolutely and exclusively to Master Masons in good standing. Although it is primarily an organization for good wholesome fun and frolic, it also has its serious side. Its slogan is “Good Fellowship.”
Grotto is a social organization Master Masons and all such are welcome to our Enchanted Realm. It encourages renewed interest in the Blue Lodge with its activities and attendance. While it is not, and makes no claim to be a part of Symbolic Craft Masonry, we ever bear in mind that our membership is composed entirely of Master Masons.
Where did it start? Years prior to 1889, several members of Hamilton Lodge N0. 120, F.& A.M., at Hamilton NY, sought relaxation from the sterner duties of life by holding occasional informal meetings for fun and good fellowship. The chief spirit in the fun was LeRoy Fairchild, and in the summer of 1889, he and a devoted band of followers discovered the Enchanted Realm in which, upon entering with song and laughter, they and their successors found a rich heritage. The first meeting of this organization was held on the 10th day of September, 1889. It was decided at this meeting that the membership of the organization should be confined to Master Masons in good standing.
They did not hold their meetings at the Lodge, but rather more informal locations. There were minutes kept and changing locations were marked by a lighted red railroad lantern.
While it is as Prophets we open the portals of the Enchanted Realm to Master Masons, we are none the less loyal to Masonry.
Does this sound like an organization that you would enjoy? If so, click the Join the Realm button below out the start the process!
The requirements for membership in the Order of Veiled Prophets is that a man must first be a Master Mason in good standing, and that he must continue to maintain his good standing in the Blue Lodge in order to retain his standing in the Order.
The Grotto leads its members through an Enchanted Realm where the spirit of mirth touches the hearts and evolves cheerful companionship, and laughter goes with a Prophet’s greeting when hand clasps hand in its mystic fellowship.
Join The Enchanted Realm
Where Good Fellowship will never fade away.